The Fifth International Conference "Neurotechnologies and Neurointerfaces" (CNN 2023) |
VII Scientific School "Dynamics of Complex Networks and their Applications" (DCNA 2023) |
18–20 September 2023
In person | Kaliningrad, Russia |
Baltic Forum 2023: Neuroscience, AI and Complex Systems is dedicated to the advancements in fundamental and applied science at the intersection of brain research, artificial intelligence, nonlinear dynamics, theory of complex systems and social and ethical aspects of the global digitalization of our lives.
The Forum will be attended by leading world and Russian scientists, as well as young researchers working in or across the following disciplines: complexity theory, neurotechnology and neuroscience, neurobiology, artificial intelligence and machine learning, nonlinear dynamics, self-organizing systems, brain-computer interfaces, biological and medical applications of control theory, communication and transport, controlled systems in physics, dynamics and control of complex networks, thermodynamic control, ecosystems and climate control, social networks, control of quantum systems, intelligent robotics, neurophilosophy and technoethics, predictive and preventive medicine.
Baltic Forum: Neuroscience, AI and Complex Systems includes two large thematic conferences, initiative mini-symposia and provide unique international platform for the exchange of scientific, technical and educational ideas, results and achievements between leading specialists, including young scientists and students working in such rapidly developing areas of modern science.
Baltic Forum: Neuroscience, AI and Complex Systems is designed to promote active interaction of specialists in various scientific fields both at the national and international levels.
This Forum draws upon the successful experience of holding international events in Russia: International Conference "Neurotechnologies and Neurointerfaces" (4 conferences have been held since 2015) and Scientific School "Dynamics of Complex Networks and Its Applications in Intelligent Robotics" (6 conferences have been held since 2017).
The Baltic Forum: Neuroscience, Artificial Intelligence and Complex Systems was held in 2021 and 2022. All papers of the Forum are published in the proceedings of V and VI Scientific School "Dynamics of Complex Networks and their Applications" (DCNA 2021 and DCNA 2022) and The Third and Fourth International Conference "Neurotechnologies and Neurointerfaces" (CNN 2021 and CNN 2022). The proceedings are also published in IEEE Xplore and indexed in Scopus (DCNA'2021, DCNA’2022, CNN'2021, CNN’2022).
Conference registration fees should be paid after the final acceptance of the submitted papers is received |
Forum General Chair
СNN'2023 Cochairs
DСNA 2023 Cochairs
Technical Sponsor
Important dates
Minisymposia proposal
Paper Submission Deadline |
Notification of Acceptance and Reviews |
Final (Revised) Paper Submission Deadline |
Registration Deadline for Authors |
Forum |
Paper submission |
All papers submitted to BF-NAICS 2023 must be up to 4 pages. Papers should be written in English. All contributions must not have been previously published, must not essentially duplicate already published material, and may not be simultaneously considered for publication elsewhere. To ensure high scientific quality, all papers will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee Members. All papers must comply with the IEEE conference template. Once the reviewing process is complete, the corresponding author of the paper will be notified of the result by e-mail. The authors are required to follow the reviews in order to improve their paper before their final submission. All papers must be presented by one of the authors. At least one author must register for the conference and pay the registration fee in order for the paper to be published in the Conference proceedings and accepted in the final program.
Topical Special Issues
Authors are also invited to submit extended versions of their reports to the special issues listed below. By the recommendation of the Organizing Committee, there are possible discounts as denoted below.
ABOUT KALININGRADThe Kaliningrad Region is a unique region of Russia. Region is located on the southeastern coast of the Baltic Sea and is the westernmost region of the Russian Federation completely separated from the rest of the country by the land borders of foreign states and international sea waters.
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