Psychological help

The psychological service of IKBFU was established in 2022 to provide support to students and staff in solving various psychological problems and overcoming difficult life situations. Psychological service specialists will help you understand yourself and improve the quality of your life

Service purpose

Providing free psychological help to IKBFU students and staff

The psychological service provides a 24/7 helpline. What difficulties can our specialists help to cope with?

  • Difficulties in learning
  • Stress
  • Family tensions
  • Feeling of loneliness
  • Conflicts
  • Difficulties in interpersonal relationships
  • Difficulties in self-determination

Immediate psychological assistance and support. Additionally, you can schedule an appointment for one-on-one counseling with a psychological service expert

+7 (4012) 38-95-91

available 24/7, confidential


Bocharova Natalia
Bocharova Natalia
head of psychological service, leading psychologist, physiotherapist



23rd General Sommer St., Kaliningrad, 236040, Russia

Working hours: Modnay–Friday from 9AM to 6PM by appointment, 13PM — 14PM emergency counseling

Личный кабинет для

Личный кабинет для cтудента

Даю согласие на обработку представленных персональных данных, с Политикой обработки персональных данных ознакомлен

Подтверждаю согласие