Institute of Management and Territorial Development

A hub for the development of future administrative elite of both Kaliningrad Region and Russia, fostering social capital and driving innovative development in the region


Higher School of Business and Entrepreneurship

The Higher School offers comprehensive education and training programmes that prepare individuals for successful careers as economists, finance specialists, managerial personnel, HR managers, and sought-after specialists in financial and investment analytics


Higher School of Law

The High School of Law prepares general lawyers — specialists in public, private and international law. It acts as a crucial educational hub for future legal professionals of the region. The School's graduates make up a significant portion of various legal entities in the region


Higher School of Spatial Development and Hospitality

The Higher School prepares specialists in the field of tourism and hospitality: travel agency employees, tour guides, managers, administrators, restaurateurs, and even real maitre d', as well as geographers, specialists in the field of land management and cadastre, city administration


Roman Smelik
Head of the Institute of Management and Territorial Development
Tatyana Ezhova
Tatyana Ezhova
Director of the Higher School of Law
Lyudmila Semenova
Lyudmila Semenova
Director of the Higher School of Hospitality
Svetlana Shchekoturova
Svetlana Shchekoturova
Director of the Higher School of Business and Entrepreneurship



236041, Russia, Kaliningrad, 14, Alexander Nevsky St., office 111
Monday–Thursday: 9:00 AM—6:00 PM
Friday: 9AM—4:45PM

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