
Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University is the largest educational, scientific, and cultural centre in the westernmost region of Russia. Explore the evolution of the oldest university in the Kaliningrad Region from the University of Königsberg to the ongoing construction of the world-class Neocampus


The University of Königsberg (Albertina)


A mediaeval academy established by the former Grand Master of the Teutonic Knights — Albert, Duke of Prussia. Albertina is the factor that formed the IKBFU’s mission to be a metaphorical bridge between the Russian and European university systems


The great philosopher Immanuel Kant studied and taught at the Albertina, having served as rector in 1786 and 1788

The renovated main building of the Albertina now houses the Institute of Medicine and Life Sciences — a hub for the integration of life and science and a centre for research on living organisms and the environment

Kaliningrad Pedagogical Institute


After the defeat of Nazi Germany, the region was given to the USSR and settled by Soviet people in 1946. Schools in Soviet Königsberg began work as early as 1945; the city experienced a shortage of teachers. A decision was made to open a pedagogical university on the basis of the Konigsberg School named after Kraus and Hippel (present day building № 4 on 56A Chernyshevskogo St). Applicants chose between three faculties: History, Literature, and Physical and Mathematical Sciences.

Kaliningrad State University


The University established several faculties — Natural Sciences, Physics and Mathematics, History and Philology, Economics and Law (the only one of its kind in the country at that time)


Classes for physicists and mathematicians began in a newly constructed building on Alexander Nevsky Street; a year later, construction of the administrative building was completed (present day buildings № 1 and № 2)

Immanuel Kant Russian State University


The University started bearing the name of its patron

Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University


The University achieved federal status, solidifying its position as a leading institution in the region

University Rectors


Личный кабинет для

Личный кабинет для cтудента

Даю согласие на обработку представленных персональных данных, с Политикой обработки персональных данных ознакомлен

Подтверждаю согласие