
The University was founded in 1967 expanding on the already existing Kaliningrad State Pedagogical University that had been founded in 1947.

history.jpgThe University developed as a classic Soviet-era university and thus differentiated a lot from European universities such as Albertina, which kept medieval traditions of universities’ autonomy and creative free-thinking, while Soviet universities lacked both. Though Kaliningrad University has its own history and a unique way of development in the very changeable modern conditions. Nevertheless, Albertina was the factor that formed the University’s mission to be a metaphorical bridge between the Russian and European university systems.

The history of the University began with the establishment of the State Pedagogical Institute in Kaliningrad. Since 1945, the lands were given to the USSR after the defeat of fascist Germany and were settled by Soviet people. Later, one after another, schools were opened in the Kaliningrad region and there was a need for a pedagogical university to train qualified teachers.

University Rectors


Nikolai Prikladov

The first rector of the State University.
He had previously worked as director of the Botanical Garden in Tomsk.


Anatoly Borisov

He headed the university after Nikolai Prikladov. He was a climatologist.


Nikolay Medvedev

He was a specialist in political economy, Doctor of Economics, Professor.


Gennady Fedorov

He is a famous economist and geographer, Director of the Institute of Nature Management, Territorial Development and Urban Planning in Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University.


Andrey Klemeshev

Professor, Doctor of Political Science, political scientist, headed the University from 1998 to 2019.

Alexander Fedorov
2019 — present time

Professor, Doctor of Philosophy, he holds the position of the Rector of IKBFU from 2019.

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