How To Apply


Register in electronic application system (the link will be available later in June, 2024) and submit the following documents

  • Scan of your travel passport (main page) 
  • Notarized translation into Russian language of the main page of your travel passport 
  • Scanned copies of your previous education certificate/diploma and its transcript of records/supplement
  • Notarized translation of your education certificate/diploma and its transcript of records/supplement into the Russian language

All translations should be notarized by the notary buro in Russia or by the Russian consulate in your home country

Admission is open from 20th June 2024

Application deadline:

  • Application deadline for Bachelor and Specialist degree programmes is July, 12
  • Application deadline for Master degree programmes is August, 7
  • Application deadline for postgraduate programmes is August, 7

Take your exams and wait for the results

Entrance examinations:

  • Entrance examinations for applicants into Bachelor programmes will be held from 13th of July to 24th of July
  • Entrance examinations for applicants into Master programmes will be held from August, 8 to August, 15
  • Entrance examinations for applicants into Postgraduate programmes will be held from August, 8 to August, 15


Sign the contract

In case of any questions please contact: 


Wait for an invitation and apply for your Russian visa

In case of any questions please contact:


Arrive in Kaliningrad before September, 1

In case of any questions please contact:
Learn what to do before and upon arrival in Kaliningrad here

Личный кабинет для

Личный кабинет для cтудента

Даю согласие на обработку представленных персональных данных, с Политикой обработки персональных данных ознакомлен

Подтверждаю согласие