Admission of International Students

Arrival point
IKBFU New Admissions Department
57, General-Leytenanta Ozerova St., office 104

Head of the International Admissions Office
Ekaterina Shilova
+7 (4012) 595-595 #7805
Second point
Visa and Migration Support Centre (regarding all visa-related questions)
14, Alexander Nevsky St., office 114

+ 7 (4012) 59-55-95 #7452
Third point
Student Social Support (dormitory accommodation, scholarship eligibility)
14, Alexander Nevsky St., Building №10, office 14

+7 (4012) 59-55-33

Necessary document package:

  1. Travel passport (translated into Russian and duly certified — notarised or certified at a consular department of an embassy)
  2. Education level certificate detailing your education (diploma, transcript), listing subjects studied and grades achieved (translated into Russian and duly certified — notarised or certified at a consular department of an embassy
  3. Migration card/temporary residence permit/permanent residence permit (if available)
  4. Notification of confirmation of residence in the Russian Federation and visa (if available)

Prospective students applying on the state-funded basis as compatriots, in addition to the standart document package, need the following:

  1. Birth certificate of the applicant (original document or a duly certified Russian translation)
  2. Birth certificate of one of the applicant's parents born in the former Soviet Union. In case the surnames of the parent and the applicant do not match, provide a marriage certificate or any other documents confirming the surname change

Any seals not reproduced in Russian must be translated and duly certified

All Russian translations must be issued to the same name and surname stated in the entry visa

On the Recognition of Foreign Documents on Secondary General Education or Vocational Education International Agreements on Mutual Recognition

Recognition of Foreign Education Documents

IKBFU is authorised to independently grant recognition to foreign documents of education and (or) qualification for the purposes of student admission

For preliminary evaluation of the foreign educational documents and assessment of the possibility of admission to the University, you may contact the Admissions Office by email:

If the evaluation of the foreign educational documents is necessary, the applicant must submit the following set of documents:

Document confirming the identity of the holder of the education document (translated into Russian, if necessary)
Duly certified translation of the foreign educational document and its annex, including translation of the seals

Please check the accuracy and consistency of the spelling of the surname, first name(s) and patronymic (if any) in the passport, visa (if available) and the translations. In case of even one letter not coinciding, a duplicate copy of the documents or a reference from an educational institution or embassy confirming the authenticity of the documents will be required

In case the applicant has changed their surname, e.g. following a marriage, supporting documents, e.g. a copy and translation (if necessary) of the marriage certificate, must be provided

Any alterations to the documents will hinder their authentication. If any alterations are present, official duplicates from the issuing educational institution will be required

Please note that documents issued in a certain countries require general (consular) or simplified (apostille) legalisation
Please check in advance whether the legalisation of your educational documents is necessary

Additional information on the procedure of recognition of foreign educational documents is available on the website of the National Accreditation Agency

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