General Medicine

Specialist Degree, direction: 31.05.01 General Medicine
For foreign citizens applying for paid tuition
years of study

About the Programme

Basic medical training lasts six years, after which graduates may choose optional specialist training in one of more than 60 fields of medicine in a residency programme or enter employment in primary care.

The extensive curriculum of the 31.05.01 General Medicine specialty consists of lectures, seminars and workshops on general practice, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, neurology, oncology, psychiatry, etc., including hands-on training in hospitals and outpatient clinics.

Medical training is focused not only the ability to successfully diagnose and treat a disease, but also on educational and preventive work. Graduates are highly competent in

  • conducting follow-up services for patients,
  • carrying out antiepidemiological measures,
  • working with medications and medical and technical equipment,
  • diagnosing diseases and pathologies,
  • prescribing proper treatment, carring out treatment and rehabilitation measures,
  • controlling the quality of medical care to the population,
  • keeping medical records and managing the medical staff.

The programme is aimed at the formation of intellectual, cultural and moral potential, the transfer of knowledge by professionals in the field of medical science and health care.

The curriculum is designed to develop intellectual, cultural and moral potential and to impart knowledge and expertise of the established medical and health professionals.

The programme, based on international standards and Russian traditions of higher medical education, ensures the graduates are sought-after both at domestic and foreign labour markets; prepares students for life-long learning, with maximum attention to personal, social and governmental needs.

Programme Outline

1st year
Foundations of Russian Statehood
Foreign Language
Healthy Lifestyle
Critical Thinking
Health Information Technology and Mathematics
Histology, Embryology, Cytology
History of Russia
Psychology and Pedagogy
Elective Courses in Physical Education and Sports
Medical Statistics
Mathematical Methods in Medicine
Personal and Professional Development Strategies
Russian Language and Culture of Speech
Introduction into Clinical Internship
2nd year
Foreign language
Histology, Embryology, Cytology
History of Russia
Life Safety
Microbiology, Virology
Medical Genetics
Fundamentals of Nursing
Physical Education and Sports
Topographic Anatomy and Operative Surgery
History of Medicine
Elective Courses in Physical Education and Sports
Fundamentals of Professional Communication
Russian for Professional Communication
Russian and Culture of Speech
Clinical Internship
3rd year
Foreign Language
Topographic Anatomy and Operative Surgery
Radiation Diagnostics
General Surgery
Pathological Anatomy
Internal Diseases Propedeutics
Clinical and Laboratory Diagnostics
Fundamentals of Scientific Research and Project Activities
Elective Courses in Physical Education and Sports
Russian and Culture of Speech
Academic Practice
Clinical Internship, Diagnostic Profile
4th year
Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Dermatology, Venerology
Public Health and Healthcare, Healthcare Economics
Neurology, Neurosurgery
Departmental Therapy
Departmental Surgery
Medical Law
Emergency Medical Procedures
Psychiatry and Narcology, Medical Psychology
Russian and Culture of Speech
Clinical Internship, Therapeutic Profile
Clinical Internship, Surgical Profile
Clinical Internship, Emergency Medical Intervention Profile
5th year
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Infectious Diseases
Hospital Therapy
Outpatient Therapy
Hospital Surgery, Pediatric Surgery
Psychiatry and Narcology, Medical Psychology
Disaster Medicine
Traumatology, Orthopedics
Healthcare Management
Administration of a Medical Organization
Russian and Culture of Speech
Clinical Internship, Obstetrics and Gynaecology Profile
Clinical Internship, General Medical Profile
Clinical Internship, Pediatric Profile
6th year
Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Infectious Diseases
Hospital Therapy
Outpatient Therapy
Hospital Surgery, Pediatric Surgery
Clinical Pharmacology
Forensic Medicine
Anesthesiology, Resuscitation, Intensive Care
Medical Rehabilitation
Functional Diagnostics
Tropical Medicine
Outpatient Surgery
Pain Treatment
Emergency Conditions in General Practice
Diagnostics and Intensive Care of Emergency Conditions in General Practice
Russian and Culture of Speech
Fundamentals of Communication in Medicine
Simulation Course
Clinical Internship, General Medical Profile


Professional opportunities for the graduates include employment

  • in state and commercial medical organisations,
  • in public health bodies,
  • in social protection organisations,
  • in research institutes,
  • in institutions of secondary vocational and higher education (medical faculties and institutes, universities, colleges, schools),
  • as medical officers in educational institutions and enterprises,
  • etc.

Graduates have all the necessary skills to pursue a medical or academic career, open a private practice. Further career development requires residency training.

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