The Commission of the Russian Professors Assembly awarded Alexander Fedorov, IKBFU rector with the national prize "Rector of the Year" in the category "Classical Higher Education Institutions.”
Alexander Fedorov, IKBFU rector: | |
It is important to me that the award is based on the results of a vote of the prominent scientists and the Academia members. It was a pleasure to receive the award from the hands of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Valery Falkov. I consider this to be our common victory, an acknowledgement of the merits of the entire staff of Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University. For me personally, this is a huge leap forward. We are showing good dynamics, but there is more to do. Thank you, IKBFU team, for your support, for your work and contribution to building one of the best universities in the country. |
Alexander Fedorov was appointed as rector of Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University in 2019. He is the chairman of the working group for the development of professional standards in higher education, a member of the working group "The Core of Higher Pedagogical Education", the Russian Council for International Affairs, the chairman of the Kaliningrad regional branch of the Russian Society "Znanie", a member of the expert group of the National Project "Education", as well as the commission on state awards in education under the Russian Government.
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