The members of the Astronomical Community tested the newly completed 3D-printed telescope.
Experienced astrophotographer Andrey Sidorov supervised the observation complex testing process. On the night of 25-26 October, the Astronomical Community members photographed the Orion Nebula (M42) and the Owl Nebula (M97). The Orion Nebula of the Orion Constellation, is one of the brightest objects in the night sky. In good conditions, the nebula is visible to the naked eye. In contrast, the Owl Nebula is a dim and relatively small object that can only be observed under good meteorological conditions with a sufficiently powerful telescope — which makes it ideas for testing the new telescope
The Astronomers used long exposure photography to capture the nebulae, combining the pictures into one. As intended, the 200mm telescope with a focal length of 1 metre, has sufficient aperture to observe even dim celestial objects.
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