The IKBFU Botanical Garden continues to surprise visitors with unusual natural phenomena. Rhododendrons, which usually bloom in winter or early spring, flowered this autumn.
Svetlana Yakovleva, head of the IKBFU Botanical Garden Laboratory: |
Kaliningrad’s weather is famously unpredictable. This year, we are witnessing a premature flowering of many plant species. Rhododendron ledebourii and Rhododendron sichotense suddenly bloomed. Genista and hellebores plants are coming into blossom three months earlier than usual. Viburnum plicatum Kilimanjaro tree, wolfsbane, Eastern pasqueflower and St John’s wort are also in full bloom. Witch-hazel surprised us by blooming two months earlier than usual. |
Visit the Botanical Garden and see the unusual phenomena any day of the week from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. at 12 Lesnaya Street, Kaliningrad.
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