On July 5th, 2024, the Cathedral on Kant Island hosted the graduation ceremony of the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University. In total, 1678 students received Bachelor’s and Master’s diplomas, with 576 achieving honours; additionally, 555 graduates received diplomas of vocational education, including 68 with honours; 63 young scientists graduated from the postgraduate programmes.
This year saw a record number of international graduates with 171 citizens from 26 countries graduating, including Brazil, China, Ecuador, Germany, India, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Mongolia, Peru, Serbia, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Vietnam and Yemen.
IKBFU is the only Russian university to hold its graduation ceremony in a 14th-century cathedral accompanied by the music of a one-of-a-kind organ, the largest in the country. Immanuel Kant, the great philosopher, is buried near the Cathedral’s walls.
Alexander Fedorov, IKBFU Rector: | |
To all the graduates and colleagues, congratulations on becoming alumni of the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University. It will forever be a part of you. On behalf of the university graduate community, I extend a warm welcome and offer my best wishes for your future endeavours. We have faced significant challenges together and worked diligently to give you the skills needed to excel in your chosen fields. The progress and success of our nation, which is currently striving for a better future, depends on each one of us. Stay committed and determined in pursuing your goals. Remember to cherish and support your loved ones, show gratitude to your parents and mentors, be happy and healthy. I wish you all the best! |
Andrey Klemeshev, IKBFU President: |
Dear graduates and their parents, congratulations on reaching a new milestone in your lives. Today you are taking the pivotal step into adulthood. I wish you a sense of purpose and understanding of the responsibility that lies ahead. You will shape our future. Be honest, honourable and grateful to your mentors and parents. Warmest congratulations to you all! |
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