Scientists of the IKBFU Research Centre “Fundamental and Applied Photonics. Nanophotonics” date amber using an original method based on Raman spectroscopy.
The researchers assumed that each specimen has a unique molecular structure the features of which change with age. Using optical sensors, the physicists were able to estimate the chemical composition of the amber and the relative age of the fossilised resins.
Experts examined 57 samples from Russia, the USA, the Dominican Republic, Germany, Ukraine, New Zealand, Mexico and France, including the amber from the age of dinosaurs (Triassic period, ca. 200–220 million years old).
Andrey Zyubin, Senior Research Fellow of the IKBFU Research Centre “Fundamental and Applied Photonics. Nanophotonics” |
Using optical sensors, we recorded spectral patterns of each amber extract made by boiling a sample and estimated the relative age of the resins. Radiocarbon analysis of such objects is only possible for a host rock, but our method allows to analyse the amber directly. In order to improve accuracy in the future, we will also take into account such important factors as the conditions of amber fossilisation, changes in its structure during ageing, etc. |
The scientists also used machine learning algorithms. The researchers plan to work out the methodology on at least 70 more samples of amber from different periods, developing an AI system to automatically determine the age of the resin.
The study was published in the scientific journal IOPscience.
Earlier, the team of the Research and Development Centre “Fundamental and Applied Photonics. Nanophotonics” established that light scattering spectra will also help to distinguish real amber from imitations.
The research team expresses its gratitude for the provision of the amber collection, cooperation, and data analysis to Maksim Bogdasarov, Vice-Rector of the Brest State A.S. Pushkin University, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, and Vadim Valerievich Sivkov, Director of the JSC IO RAS, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, for formulating the hypothesis of the study.
The research was supported by the Russian Science Foundation grant № 23-22-10023 “Fundamental bases for the development of a new method for estimating the relative age and geographical origin of the world’s fossil resins on the example of Baltic amber”.
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