On June 21st, 25 Chinese and Vietnamese students successfully completed the “Russian as a Foreign Language” bachelor’s programme.
In a unique 1+3 format, the joint program between IKBFU and Shandong University of Technology began with the first year in China. For the remaining three years, the students immersed themselves in the Russian-speaking environment of Kaliningrad.
The graduates defended their theses in Russian, exploring a comparative analysis of Russian and Chinese online slang, comparison of national worldviews based on the differences in Russian and Chinese fairy tales, idioms, journalistic texts, as well as classical and non-classical Russian literature.
Tatyana Tsvigun, Advisor to the Rectorate for Russian Language and Development of Humanitarian Education: |
The pilot project has demonstrated a high demand for professionals in the field of Russian language among the Asia-Pacific countries. Its success is a testament to the collaborative efforts of professors, program administrators, and the International Office. |
Olga Kim, Vice-rector for International Education and Youth Policy: |
The international programme has been a resounding success. Together with our colleagues from the Shandong University of Technology we have developed a unique and valuable format. Now our dear graduates, Russian philologists from China and Vietnam, will become ambassadors of Russian language and culture in their home countries. |
IKBFU and the Shandong University of Technology signed the agreement on the implementation of the “Russian as a Foreign Language” educational programme in 2019. The programme is developed within the framework of the “Russian Education Export” national project in order to promote Russian language and culture.
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