Scientists from IKBFU and Kwangwoon universities (Seoul, South Korea) published the results of a joint analysis of promising directions for the development of plasmonics applications in the visible and ultraviolet ranges. The experts reviewed in detail the fundamental concepts, calculation methods, and practical applications of optical sensing and synthesis of promising applications of rhodium, platinum, gold, and silver metal nanoparticles.
Andrey Zyubin, Head of IKBFU Laboratory for Mathematical Modeling of Optical Properties of Nanomaterials: |
We reviewed direct applications of the methods for biophysics purposes, in particular, the application of metal-enhanced fluorescence and giant Raman light scattering in the rare UV range for rhodium and platinum nanoparticles. Our research has clearly defined the routes for further development in such a difficult interdisciplinary field as metal nanoparticle plasmonics. The study showed a low level of development and sufficient perspectives that the subject matter holds. We expect that the collaboration with colleagues will bear even more fruit in the years to come. |
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