Ask a question

Should you have any questions, please use this email:

All questions regarding the admission of foreign citizens should be addressed to our admissions office using the following emails and

IKBFU will not be able to receive letters from domains that do not end in “.ru ”. 

Therefore, in case of academic issues, please send letters from the ".ru" domain or from the student mail (

Frequently Asked Questions

New to Kaliningrad and curious about what to expect in the city and at the University?

Orientation Week is an important step in the integration of international students into the life of the University and the city. We welcome all both full-time and exchange students.

Need a student buddy to help you around?

Are you coming to Kaliningrad for the first time? Do you need help finding your way around and experiencing university life?

Then you can request a buddy who can:

  • Show you around, including the nearest shops, supermarkets, university services, etc;
  • Make you feel at home during your first days at IKBFU

Buddies are IKBFU students familiar with university life, eager to practise languages and share socio-cultural experiences.

To apply for the Buddy programme, please contact the International Student Office The programme is also open to preparatory course participants and exchange students.

Not sure about the cost of living?

Kaliningrad is not very expensive to live in compared to most cities. Here is how much you can expect to spend while studying:

  • Public transport (bus) – 1 500 ₽ per month
  • Food – 6 000 – 8 000 ₽ per month
  • Mobile – 300 – 800 ₽ per month
  • Student dormitory – 700 – 2 200 ₽ per month

Do you want to be part of the University community and make lots of new friends?

As well as studying, international students enjoy a lively social life, with student-run activities, social events, sports, volunteering and more.

The hub of international student life is the International Student Office, which provides support for international students and helps to organise international social events. Want to keep up with the latest news? Check out the VK Community. We have lots of social activities!

Are you full of energy and drive? We have a number of sports clubs where you can show your best!

Do you like to volunteer and help others or do charity work? We need you! From animals and nature to University events, there are many different areas of community life that our international students help with.

Looking for more opportunities for your extracurricular life? Find the one that suits you or create your own student organisation with the Extracurricular Activities Office.

How can I get student ID-card?

After you have officially enrolled, you need to go to the IT Office, room 121, building №2 (opposite the Administration Building, 14 Alexander Nevsky St). Please bring a passport.

To enter the University building and use the library services, always have your student card with you.

What if I lose my student ID-card?
You need to go to the IT Office, room 121, building №2 (opposite the Administration Building, 14 Alexander Nevsky St). Please, bring your passport. Re-issuing the ID card costs 100 ₽.

How do I get a login and password for my IKBFU account?
Get your login and passport at the IT Office, room 121, building №2 (opposite the Administration Building, 14 Alexander Nevsky St)

How can I get an academic transcript?
You can apply for an academic transcript here. You may receive your transcript online or at the multifunctional centre.

Can I get the academic transcript in English?
The academic transcript is issued in Russian, but you can request a translation into English. You will need to bring or send the original document to the International Office for certification. This service is free of charge.

How do I get a place in the dormitory?

Once you have been admitted to the University, you will need to apply for a place in the dormitory. Follow your position in the ranking list through the VK community of the Student Dormitories Complex

What should I do if I want to change dormitories?

First, talk to your dormitory manager and attempt to find a solution to the problem that is causing you to move out.

If you are sure about changing rooms or dormitories, you will need to submit an application to the Student Dormitories Complex. Applications will only be accepted once a housing campaign has been announced in the VK Community.

Where can I get the information regarding visa and registration?

For all matters related to visa processing and extension, as well as registration, please contact the Visa and Migration Support Centre by e-mail: or in person in room 114, building №2 (opposite the Administration Building, 14 Alexander Nevsky St)

Join the VK community for more information.

What should I do if I lose my migration card / registration / passport?
Urgently inform the Visa and Migration Support Centre by e-mail: or in person in room 114, building №2 (opposite the Administration Building, 14 Alexander Nevsky St)

Can I work with a student visa?
Yes, but only if you are a full-time student and only in your spare time, i.e. only part-time or during your holidays. You do not need official permission to do this. You must notify the Visa and Migration Support Centre if you get a job by email or through the VK community

Do I need health insurance?

All international enrollees and current students, including those from CIS countries and stateless persons, are required to have a voluntary health insurance policy (VHI/"ДМС" in Russian) valid in the Russian Federation for the entire duration of their studies.

Correspondence students and students attending the University as part of academic mobility programmes are required to purchase their own VHI policy and provide a copy to the International Office.

Where can I get health insurance?

According to the Regulations on the provision of healthcare to foreign citizens studying at IKBFU, the health insurance policy must include the following:

  1. Outpatient care, including specialised care

  2. Dental care

  3. Inpatient care, including emergency hospitalisation

  4. Repatriation

List of insurance providers recommended by the University

What should I do if I am ill?

If you need emergency medical assistance (injuries that prevent you from moving independently, temperature above 39°C, acute heart pain, etc.) — call an ambulance (emergency number 102 or 112) and then contact your insurance company.

Important! When calling an ambulance for any emergency condition, notify the International Office by calling +7 (4012) 31-33-99, by email or through the VK community

In case of injuries that allow you to move independently, you should go to the “БСМП” (the Hospital of Emergency Medical Care) emergency room.

For non-emergency medical problems that are not life-threatening, you should make an appointment to see a doctor. Call the number on the health insurance policy. Insurance specialists will advise you on further actions.

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