“Fabrika” Science & Technology Park

The “Fabrika” Science & Technology Park was created by utilising a modernised former Soviet-era industrial complex — a shoe factory transferred by the Government of the Kaliningrad Region to the University as brownfield property. The complex is the first and only facility of its kind in Kaliningrad, created jointly by IKBFU and the Kaliningrad region Government


  • More than 230 pieces of high-tech science-intensive equipment with a total value of more than 750 million ₽

  • SynchrotronLike — synchrotron complex, which makes it possible to develop next-generation optical devices and test them in laboratory conditions. Total value — over 50 million ₽

  • A unified complex of nanostructure physics facilities. Total value — over 45 million ₽

  • Van de Graaff Accelerator Laboratory. Total value — over 25 million ₽

Currently, over 100 researchers, 80 percent of whom are young scientists, work at the “Fabrika”

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