Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University has 13 comfortable dormitories available for international students. The dormitories are located near the University buildings. The IKBFU administration offers international students to live together with their compatriots
International students from visa-free countries qualify for a place in the dormitory under the same conditions as Russian students. If a place in the dormitory is not provided, the student is responsible for their accommodation at a private address and migration registration
Students from visa countries, as well as students assigned to the university under the quota of the Russian Government, will be provided with places in the dormitory on a priority basis
For further information regarding the process of obtaining medical clearance, please contact 59-55-93
Личный кабинет для
Личный кабинет для cтудента
Даю согласие на обработку представленных персональных данных, с Политикой обработки персональных данных ознакомлен
Подтверждаю согласие