Student Life

Student Government

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Joint Student Council

The student government body coordinates the activities of student associations within the university, promotes student engagement into social activity on various levels

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Student Union

The Student Union advocates for student needs and interests at the University

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Vocational Education Student Council 

Coordinates the activities of students enrolled in vocational education programmes


IKBFU Volunteers
Assist with the organisation of public events
Medical Volunteers
One of the biggest volunteer organisations in healthcare. The members assist medical organisations, provide first aid training, accompany sporting and public events
Volunteers of Victory
Preserve the historical memory of the Soviet Union's involvement in WWII, organise and hold patriotic events
"Eywa" Student Ecological Society
Organises projects aimed at promoting environmental awareness

Creative Endeavours

free-icon-karaoke-6007493.png Musical Studio
Grant funded initiative of an IKBFU student. The studio provides opportunities for musicians, tutors, aspiring bands, promotes collaboration

Vocal Studio
Unites vocal groups and solo performers. Enables students to participate in events and competitions organised by the university and the region

“Svoi Kvadraty” Dance Troupe
Dance troupe from Kazakhstan. The members teach dance and take part in performances and competitions

free-icon-exercise-1986206.png “Nepohozhie” Dance Studio
A modern dance studio aimed at developing the individual potential of each member

“Trivia” Dance Troupe
A professional oriental dance troupe which celebrates and promotes Eastern culture at the University and in the region

“Otrazenie” Dance Studio
Allows beginners and established dancers alike to develop their skills and spend time among like-minded people

Literature Studio
A community of aspiring writers and poets

free-icon-paint-brush-1549191.png Art Studio
A collaborative environment for creatives. Helps students discover their artistic potential, as well as teach and learn

Student Media

Kantiana news
Kantiana news

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