Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board is responsible for approving:

  1. Proposals for changes to the University’s charter by the founder or Rector of the University.
  2. Proposals for establishment of new University institutions as well as changes to and dissolutions of existing institutions by the founder or Rector of the University.
  3. Proposals for the reorganisation of the University or its liquidation by the founder or Rector of the University.
  4. Proposals for the withdrawal of property assigned to the University on the basis of operations management by the founder or Rector of the University.
  5. Proposals for the University’s participation in other legal entities, including the contribution of monetary funds and other property to the authorised share capital of other legal entities or transfer of such property in any other way to other legal entities, as a founder or member by the Rector of the University.
  6. Draft plan of the financial and economic activity of the University.
  7. Draft reports on the activities of the University and the use of the University property, on the implementation of the plan of the financial and economic activity, and the annual accounting reports of the University, as submitted by the Rector of the University.
  8. Proposals by the Rector of the University for transactions involving the management of assets which, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the University is not entitled to dispose of independently.
  9. Proposals for major transactions by the Rector of the University.
  10. Proposals for transactions with the interested parties by the Rector of the University.
  11. Proposals by the Rector of the University for the choice of financial organisations with which the University may open banking accounts.
  12. Audit of the annual financial reports of the University and the choice of the auditing organisation.

Supervisory Board sessions are held as necessary, but no less than once a calendar quarter. A Supervisory Board session is convened by its Chairman on their own initiative, at the request of the founder, a member of the Supervisory Board or the Rector of the University.

Members of the Supervisory Board

Airat Gatiyatov
Airat Gatiyatov
Deputy Minister of Education of the Russian Federation
Alexander Shenderyuk-Zhidkov
Alexander Shenderyuk-Zhidkov
Senator of the Federation Council, Representative of the Kaliningrad Oblast
Alexey Ponomarev
Alexey Ponomarev
Vice President of the autonomous non-profit educational organization of higher education Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Honorary Doctor of the IKBFU
Andrey Klemeshev
Andrey Klemeshev
University President, Deputy Chairman of the Academic Board
Andrey Romanov
Andrey Romanov
President of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the Kaliningrad Oblast (as may be agreed)
Dmitriy Afanasev
Dmitriy Afanasev
Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation
Felix Lapin
Felix Lapin
President of the Kaliningrad Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Nikolai Kropachev
Nikolai Kropachev
Rector of the Saint Petersburg State University

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