Consent to Personal Data Processing

Terms and Definitions

The Consent is the consent of the User of the website to the processing of personal data.

The Operator — Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University", with registered office in 14 Alexander Nevsky St., Kaliningrad, 236041, Russia. — OGRN (primary state registration number): 1023901002949, TIN: 3906019856

The Website — the website located at

The User of the Website is the subject of the Personal Data or (in case of incapacity of the subject of the Personal Data) his or her legal representative, who provides the Operator with his or her Personal Data or the Personal Data of the represented person by performing a series of technical actions in the relevant part of the graphical user interface of the website.

Request — a Website User's instruction to the Operator, sent by performing a series of technical actions by the Website User in the relevant part of the Website's graphical user interface.

The terms of the subject's consent to the processing of his Personal Data not specified in this section shall be understood in the meaning established for them by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated 27 July 2006 N 152-FZ "On Personal Data".

Conditions Which the User of the Website Agrees With

Hereby, by ticking the box in the appropriate part of the Website's graphical user interface next to the text: "By ticking the box in this form, I consent to the processing of my Personal Data (or the personal data of the person whose legal representative I am, if I am incapacitated) for the purposes of information and preliminary collection of Personal Data for further use by the Operator within the framework of the current legislation of the Russian Federation", the User of the Website, freely, voluntarily, and in his or her own interest, gives the Operator his or her specific, informed and conscious Consent to the following terms and conditions:

Purpose of the processing of Personal Data is to provide the User with information by the Operator in electronic form, including newsletters.

The list of Personal Data for which consent is given: contact details (e-mail address, mobile phone number), information about education, data of an identity document and other data voluntarily provided by the User by filling in the fields.

The list of operations with Personal Data for which consent is given: collection, recording, systematisation, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, modification), extraction, use, depersonalisation, blocking, erasure, destruction of personal data.

General description of the methods used by the Operator to process Personal Data: non-automated processing of personal data, automated processing of personal data, including with and without transmission via the Internet, mixed processing of Personal Data.

Withdrawal of Consent Procedure

The consent is valid for one calendar year from the date of its submission to the Operator and may be withdrawn at any time by the User of the website by sending a simple written request to the Operator at the following e-mail address:

The Personal Data of the person concerned shall be kept for the periods established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Personal Data shall be destroyed, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation: to achieve the purposes of Personal Data processing; in case of liquidation or reorganization of the Operator; on the basis of a written request of the Personal Data, subject to terminate the processing of his Personal Data (the Operator shall terminate the processing of such Personal Data within 3 (three) working days, of which a written notice shall be sent to the Personal Data subject within 10 (ten) working days).

Final Provisions

The User of the Website hereby confirms that:

He or she is the subject of the Personal Data provided to the Operator and, if the subject of the Personal Data provided to the Operator is an incapacitated person, that he or she is the legal representative of the subject of the Personal Data;

He or she is familiar with the rights and obligations of the subject of the Personal Data provided to him/her in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated 27 July 2006 N 152-FZ "On Personal Data", as well as with the Personal Data Processing Policy.

User profile for student

User profile for student

I give consent to the processing of the personal data provided, with Personal Data Processing Policy acquainted

Confirm consent