Руководитель программы
О программе
Enrollees undergo a six-year training programme, after which they may to continue their studies in residency, choosing ont out of more than 60 specialties, or work in primary care (outpatient hospital).
The General Medicine (specialization code 31.05.01) programme's curriculum covers a broad range of subjects, including therapy, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, and psychiatry
Students are trained not only to successfully diagnose and treat diseases, but also to engage in educational and preventive work. They should be able to:
The programme fosters intellectual, cultural and ethical development, enocuraging the transfer of knowledge by professionals in the field of medical science and health care. The programme adheres to international standards, follows the best traditions of medical training and ensures the competitiveness of the graduates in the domestic and foreign labor markets. The programme emphasizes lifelong learning, focusing on meeting the needs of individuals, society, and the healthcare system as a whole.
Программа обучения
Карьера после обучения
Graduates are able to work:
A graduate will have the skills to work as a doctor, head of a department, an educator, can become a scientist or open a private office (their own business)
For further career growth in institutions, as a rule, it is required to continue education in the field of medicine — residency
There are not enough doctors today, so young specialists can easily find a job in their specialty
Личный кабинет для
Личный кабинет для cтудента
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