Современные тренды в спортивном образовании / Modern trends in sport education

Магистратура и специализированное ВО, направление подготовки: 44.04.01 Педагогическое образование
бюджетных мест
платных мест
Tuition is provided only on a self-paid basis and conditioned on the number of students (at least 10 people)
года обучения
Минимальное количество баллов для поступления
Комплексный экзамен
Стоимость обучения очное
211 000 ₽
Для граждан РФ
211 000 ₽
Для иностранных граждан

О программе

The Master degree in Modern Trends in Sport Education is an excellent opportunity to start a career as a sports instructor. This practice-oriented master programme is designed for university graduates, teaching experts, coaches and specialists in the field of physical education and sport.

You will master:

  • peculiarities of planning and implementing a training process aimed at running sports training programmes
  • organisation of individual or team participation in sports competitions, sports and physical education events
  • peculiarities of the organization of competitions, sports and recreational activities
  • ways of assessing the capabilities of athletes of different gender and age in order to provide an individual approach to the training process in the chosen sport
  • methods of sports orientation and sports selection of athletes and students
You will gain a basic understanding of how to organise and conduct scientific research; learn to design and implement physical education and sports training sessions; identify and assess personal, meta-disciplinary and subject outcomes of students' acquisition of the curriculum; assess the level and quality of athletes' training, determine most efficient models and forms of distance learning in physical education and sports. High quality of theoretical and practical training contributes to social mobility, high competitiveness and sustainability of our graduates in the labour market.

During the study, students are offered optional disciplines, a variety of programs of additional professional education, which makes it possible to increase the competitiveness of graduates.

Программа обучения

— фундаментальные дисциплины
— прикладные дисциплины
1 year
Methodology and Methods of Research in Professional Activities
Pedagogy and Psychology in Professional Activities
Educational Technologies in Physical Culture and Sports
Techniques and Methods of Teaching Basic Sports
Supplementary Education Technologies for Children and Adults in Physical Education
2 year
Theory and Organization of Sports and Mass Activities
Individual Educational Tracks Design
— фундаментальные дисциплины
— прикладные дисциплины
— фундаментальные дисциплины
— прикладные дисциплины

Карьера после обучения

Internships are organized in different formats and held at general education institutions, further education institutions, sports and recreation complexes. Such experience guarantee employment for graduates. Experts teaching the programme share their work experience, as well as teach students how to achieve excellent performance. The training is carried out in different formats: trainings, practical assignments, project activities based on real cases, professionally-oriented internships — all of then will give you the opportunity to try out working as an instructor, a coach-instructor, a personal trainer. Participation in professional competitions will additionally allow the students to build a path for your professional development and find useful contacts for career growth.

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