CNN 2024

19–21 September

In person | Kaliningrad, Russia

The Fifth International Conference "Neurotechnologies and Neurointerfaces" (CNN'2024) will be held from 19 to 21 September 2024 in Kaliningrad, Russia as a part of Baltic Forum: Neuroscience, Artificial Intelligence and Complex Systems (BF-NAICS 2024). 

CNN'2024 will be an international platform for the exchange of scientific, educational and technical ideas and achievements between specialists, especially young scientists, working in the field of cognitive neuroscience, computational neuroscience and neurotechnologies. Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore's scope and quality requirements. Proceedings of the previous conferences CNN'2021, CNN’2022, and CNN’2023 were indexed in Scopus.

CNN Program Committee


Mikhail Lebedev
Mikhail Lebedev
Professor at Higher School of Economics / Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Russia
Susanna Gordleeva
Susanna Gordleeva
Professor at Lobachevsky State University / IKBFU, Russia


Vyacheslav Demin
Vyacheslav Demin
NRC “Kurchatov Institute”, Russia

International Committee

Alexander Hramov
Alexander Hramov
Professor at IKBFU, Russia
Alexey Zaikin
Alexey Zaikin
University College London, UK
Victor Kazantsev
Victor Kazantsev
Professor at Lobachevsky State University / Samara State Medical University / IKBFU, Russia
Konstantin Anokhin
Konstantin Anokhin
Professor at Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
Pavel Balaban
Pavel Balaban
Professor at Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of RAS, Russia
Valery Makarov
Valery Makarov
Professor at Complutense University, Spain
Anna Shestakova
Anna Shestakova
Professor at Higher School of Economics, Russia


Julia Tsybina
Julia Tsybina
Lobachevsky State University, Russia

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