Artem Yurov

head of the Institute of High Technology


Professor, 20.10.2010, № 2584/256-n; 2010

Doctor of Sciences in  High-Energy Physics, St.-Petersburg State University, 11.07.2008,  № 28g/27, Thesis: Research of Cosmologies of a Scalar Matter by a Method of Spectral Design; 2008

Ph.D. (Candidate) in Theoretical Physics, St.-Petersburg State University, Thesis: Darboux Transformations and Generalized NLS Models.  Advisor: A.A. Andrianov; 1993

Passed the Theoretical Minimum of Landau in Mechanics and Mathematics:; 1986

Diploma in Theoretical Physics (M.Sci.), Kaliningrad State University, Thesis:: Generalized Dimensional Reduction and Conformal Supersymmetry.  Advisor: I.A. Philonovsky; 1985
IKBFU Courses
Since 1993: Kaliningrad State University. Courses in Mathematics: Analytical Mechanics, Differential equations, Theory of Functions of Complex Variables, Tensor calculus, Linear Algebra. Courses in Physics: Electrodynamics, General Relativity, Cosmology, Quantum Field Theory, String Theory, Quantum Computing Since 2003: Interdisciplinary seminar on Concepts of Modern Natural Sciences between the Baltic Institute of Economics and Finance and Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (Kaliningrad State University).
Key Publications
  1. Yurova A.A., Yurov A.V., Yurov V.A. “The Cosmological Arrow of Time and the Retarded Potentials”. Universe. 2023; 9(1):30
  2. Artyom Yurov, Valerian Yurov, “On the question of the Bäcklund transformations and Jordan generalizations of the Second Painlevé equation”, Symmetry, 13(11), 2095 (2021)
  3. Artyom Yurov, Valerian Yurov, “The D-dimensional cosmological constant and the holographic horizons”, Symmetry, 13(2), 237 (2021)
  4. Alla Yurova, Artyom Yurov, Valerian Yurov, “The Cauchy Problem for the Generalized Hyperbolic Novikov-Veselov Equation via the Moutard Symmetries”, Symmetry, 12, 2113 (2020)
  5. Alla Yurova, Artyom Yurov, Valerian Yurov, “What the anthropic principle can tell us about the future of the dark energy universe”, Gravitation and Cosmology, 25, 342-348 (2019)
  6. R. B. Morgunov, A. V. Yurov, V. A. Yurov, A. D. Talantsev, A. I. Bezverhnii, and O. V. Koplak, “Oscillatory dynamics of the magnetic moment of a Pt/Co/Ir/Co/Pt synthetic antiferromagnet”, Phys. Rev. B, 100, 144407 (2019)
  7. Artyom Yurov, Valerian Yurov, “The Day the Universes Interacted: Quantum Cosmology without a Wave function”, Eur. Phys. J. C, 79: 771 (2019)
  8. Artyom Yurov, Valerian Yurov, “A look at the generalized Darboux transformations for the quasinormal spectra in Schwarzschild black hole perturbation theory: just how general should it be?”, Phys. Lett. A, 383, 2571–2578 (2019)
  9. S. Chervon, I. Fomin, A. Yurov and V. Yurov, “Scalar Fields in Cosmology: New Methods and Approaches”, World Scientific Publishing Co., ISBN 978-981-120-507-1 (2019)
  10. Charles Li, Artyom V. Yurov, “Lie-Backlund-Darboux Transformations, Surveys of Modern Mathematics”, (Monograph) Volume VIII by International Press, Somerville, Massachusetts, U.S.A., and by Higher Education Press, Beijing, China), ISBN: 978-1-57146-288-6 (2014)
Professional and Scientific Interests

  • Cosmology and relativity

  • Quantum and classical field theory

  • High-Energy Physics

  • Non-linear partial differental equations

  • Integrable systems of the quantum mechanics and the field theory 

  • Inverse scattering transformation method and connected methods: Backlund Transformation, Darboux transformation, finite-gap integration 

Additional Affiliations

Member of Presidium of Russian Gravitational Society


  • Included in  “Who’s Who in the World", 2000

  • Medal awarded by the Russian Education Ministry for the best nation-wide PhD thesis (PhD thesis by S. D. Vereschagin) supervision in natural sciences and humanities, 2000

  • Honorary title: Honourable Worker of Higher Education and Vocational Training, 2012

Sofia Kovalevskay Northwestern Center of Mathematical Studies
Since 2021

Head of Scientific and Educational Mathematical Center

Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University
Since 2021 Head of Education and Research Cluster “Institute of High Technology”

Director of the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and IT

2013–2016 Vice-Rector
Since 1993 Assistant Professor of the Baltic Institute of Economics and Finances
Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Theoretical Physics Department
2003–2013 Chairman
1993–2003 Assistant Professor
1991–1993 Teaching  Assistant
Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University & St.-Petersburg State University
1989–1991 Graduate Student, Teaching Assistant and Research Fellow
Most interesting scientific results

  • Theory of integrable systems:

    Schlesinger transformations for the Davy-Stewartson equations are found and with their help new exact solutions are constructed, including exponentially and rationally localized structures [51, 53]. Exact analytical solutions describing the dissipative structures of the Boiti-Leon-Pempinelli equations are constructed [48]. It is proved that (1 + 2) integrable equations have not one, but two dressing chains of discrete symmetries, which I called adjoint chains [49]. From the Schlesinger transformations for deformable NLS, the Bäcklund autotransformations for the Second Painlevé equation are derived; a generalization to all Jordanian generalizations of the P2 equation is carried out [1].

  • Field theory:

    It is proved that the self-action potential for a scalar field can be reconstructed from the scattering data for a one-loop potential describing quantum fluctuations [44]. It is proved that the spatiotemporal noncommutativity leads to the generation of new bound states. It has been found that in the case of singular solutions, an infinite number of bound states arise with a spectrum similar to the spectrum of quark states [39]. Generalized non-singular Fabini instantons for the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation with a negative coupling constant are constructed and it is proved that they exist only in the Euclidean space with dimension D<6 [31].

  • Two-dimensional hydrodynamics:

    An analogue of the Darboux transformations for the two-dimensional Euler equation [43] and in MONOGRAPHS [3] is constructed and an algebraic approach is developed for constructing exact solutions of the two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equation [36].

  • Cosmology:

    In 2003, the author discovered the phenomenon of smooth phantomization [26, astro-ph/ 0305019]. Using the Darboux transformations, a method was developed for constructing all known and a number of new exact non-singular solutions describing a three-dimensional brane interacting with five-dimensional gravity [38]. It is shown that it is impossible to accurately predict the future dynamics of the universe using only astronomical data on the evolution of the scale factor, no matter how accurate these data are [33]. An unexpected and useful connection between the Friedmann equations and the Abel equation of the first type [28], [17] is found. A new type of cosmological singularities with a finite value of the scale factor [27] is found and a separate class of cosmological singularities of the first kind [8] is studied. A new cosmological model has been proposed in which quantum effects manifest themselves on cosmological scales and lead to a hypothetical phantom component of dark energy [6].

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