Media Center

The Media Centre is a place where you can shoot and edit video, take filming and recording equipment. Here you will be helped to implement an educational or creative project from concept creation to release.


  • Choose the right equipment, focusing on your creative task: what will you shoot and in what conditions, in what format will the video be recorded

  • Call the director of the Media Centre and book the equipment

  • You may get all the necessary equipment to create video and audio content. Just pay the Media Centre a visit and don't forget to bring an ID (56th Chernyshevsky St., office 234)


  • The equipment is issued for no more than two days. Can be extended if no one wants to take it
  • The equipment is issued only on weekdays (see the opening hours of the Media Centre). If you need to shoot something on weekends and holidays, take care of the equipment in advance
  • Handle equipment with care! Be careful not to lose small parts: microphone windshields, tripod rubber legs, light mounts
  • Carry equipment only in trunks or cases
  • Return the equipment strictly to the Media Centre employee. Do not leave it on the watch / with a professor / in any other office
  • In the media class, you can edit videos on weekdays from 9.00 AM to 6.00 PM by prior arrangement in case the audience is not busy within the curriculum


Natalya Loboiko
Director of the Media Center
Nikolai Shatnyuk
Media Center Lead Engineer



56a Chernyshevsky St., offices 41, 42, Kaliningrad, 236000, Russia
Monday—Friday: 9:00 AM—6:00 PM

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