Medical College

The Medical College is a hub for future nurses, paramedics, obstetricians, pharmacists, dental technicians and medical laboratory technicians. All students are able to witness first-hand the work of real professionals and learn the necessary skills early on

medical-history.png The Simulation centre is designed to provide students with hands-on training in various medical procedures and emergency situations in a controlled environment

free-icon-doctor-469466.png Professors provide valuable feedback and guidance to students, helping them identify and correct any errors in their theoretical knowledge and practice

free-icon-stethoscope-7895738.png The thorough education and allows for successful integration into the medical field, both at the regional and federal level

  • The College hosts a Student Scientific Society which arranges educational and methodological conferences, informative lectures, and master classes, as well as career fairs for high school graduates
  • Students participate in regional conferences and all-Russian scientific events and Olympiads



236035, Russia, Kaliningrad, 4–6, Botkina St.
Monday–Thursday: 9:00 AM—6:00 PM
Friday: 9AM—4:45PM

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